Waimea’s schools are limited, which should not be surprising considering Waimea’s population size. They suit the average student well. There is a public elementary school, https://www.waimeaelementary.org, a public intermediate charter school, https://sites.google.com/a/wmpccs.org/wms/home, a Hawaiian immersion school that offers grades K-12, https://www.kalo.org, a private elementary school (Waimea Country School), https://waimeacountryschool.org, and Hawaii Preparatory Academy https://www.hpa.edu, and Parker School, https://www.parkerschoolhawaii.org, both private, both offering K-12.
I know of people whose children have attended the public schools and gone on to become doctors and veterinarians. I know more people whose children have attended the private schools and have gone to professional careers. The education necessary to get into top notch colleges and beyond is available, but I would not rank Waimea Schools as high in terms of educational opportunities.
Waimea can be, after all, a “windy, cold, little mountain town”, as one of my clients recently described it. While there are many people who find Waimea to be one of the most desirable places to live, it is a matter of individual taste. And, with respect to schools, focus on the “little”. Given the population of potential students we have to draw on, it should not be surprising that resources are limited and even the private schools can’t afford to be all that selective about who they admit, or that generous in what they offer.
I have a friend who has taught in Waimea schools for many years, who told me that kids with special needs are better off in the public school system. Exceptionally bright or ambitious kids are going to need supplemental educational opportunities to keep them engaged and on track to meet their targets, regardless of which school they attend.
As with most things, it pays to spend time digging deep to make sure Waimea is for you! http://yrh.ewp.mybluehost.me/2019/04/13/moving-to-hawaii-will-i-be-disappointed/